Mutant Library 14 Sept – 19 Oct

‘BOOKEND’ 2022, By Matt Hale & Nick Cash
Mutant Library
An exhibition of art using processes of destruction, transformation and reclamation. A mutant library archive arranged into overlapping sections including destruction, transformation, reclamation, natural entropic disorder, decay and growth. Art in the form of altered objects, found and transformed objects, destroyed objects, plant life and preservation techniques.
Participating Artists
David Bellingham
David Blackmore
Jonathan Callan
Nick Cash (BOOKEND)
Robert Ellis
Matt Hale (BOOKEND)
Michael Hampton
Andrew Macbeth
Mark Sowden
Finlay Taylor

‘Translated Accounts’ By Finlay Taylor
Tension does not accept unsolicited submissions or proposals
We are an artist run gallery dedicated to showcasing the work and raising the profiles of emerging and mid career local, national and international artists. We show a mixture of contemporary & experimental art that questions what art is and what art could be.
135 Maple Road
SE20 8LP
Friday - Saturday
11am - 5pm
by appointment